Beyonce performance at the Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts 2011.
Tracklist :
01. Crazy In Love
02. Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)
03. Naughty Girl
04. Baby Boy (with Tricky)
05. Happy Birthday (to Steve Stoute)
06. Best Thing I Never Had
07. End of Time
08. If I Were A Boy (Snippet of You Oughtta Know by Alanis Morrisette)
09. Sweet Dreams (Snippet of Sweet Dreams Are Made of This by Eurythmics)
10. Why Don’t You Love Me
11. Love Hangover
12. The Beautiful Ones (Prince cover)
13. Sex On Fire (Kings of Leon cover)
14. 1+1
15. Irreplaceable
16. Independent Women / Bootylicious / Bug A Boo / Telephone / Say My Name / Jumpin / Survivor
17. At Last (Etta James cover)
18. Run the World (Girls)
19. Halo
02. Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)
03. Naughty Girl
04. Baby Boy (with Tricky)
05. Happy Birthday (to Steve Stoute)
06. Best Thing I Never Had
07. End of Time
08. If I Were A Boy (Snippet of You Oughtta Know by Alanis Morrisette)
09. Sweet Dreams (Snippet of Sweet Dreams Are Made of This by Eurythmics)
10. Why Don’t You Love Me
11. Love Hangover
12. The Beautiful Ones (Prince cover)
13. Sex On Fire (Kings of Leon cover)
14. 1+1
15. Irreplaceable
16. Independent Women / Bootylicious / Bug A Boo / Telephone / Say My Name / Jumpin / Survivor
17. At Last (Etta James cover)
18. Run the World (Girls)
19. Halo
视频截图 :
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